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We Break It Live
Your box or case is opened live from a Dave & Adam's breaking studio and streamed to collectors everywhere!
NOTE: This break will be taking place DURING our Cyber Monday Event November 30th. Breaks will take place as they sell out, but not before Monday. Breaks will happen as time permits. Follow @DACWLiveBreaks on Twitter to see the most up-to-date break schedule. Breaks will also be archived on our UStream and YouTube channels as well. Please keep in mind the cards from these breaks may take longer to ship out than normal due to the high volume of orders Dave & Adam's experiences during the Thanksgiving holiday. If you have any questions at all please email us at [email protected]
Look for Three Autographs and One Memorabilia Card Per Box!
Each Box contains Five Autographs or Memorabilia Cards and One Base Card!
Look for Rookie Patch Autographs from members of the 2013-14 NBA Rookie Class!
Find massive Prime Swatches from all over your favorite player's jersey: The Nameplate, Jersey Number, Team Logo, Patches and Insignias!
Search for NBA Logoman Autographs of your favorite player!
Pull unique Gold Ink autographs in Scorers Club, Elite Scorers Club, The Greatest and HOF Heroes!
LOGOMAN AUTOGRAPHS: Find signed NBA Logoman cards of NBA stars from yesterday, today and tomorrow!
ROOKIE LOGOMAN AUTOGRAPHS BOOKLETS: Check out the hottest NBA rookie combos of the 2013-14 season in these One of One rookie Logoman booklets!
ROOKIE PATCH AUTOGRAPHS: Look for the Top NBA Rookies in their final Rookie Patch Autograph cards!
INSIGNIAS: Snag a beautiful piece of the team logo in this short-print memorabilia set.
NAMEPLATE NOBILITY: Own full letters from the nameplates of NBA stars! Think you can find their whole name?
SOLE OF THE GAME: core a piece of game-used sneaker with the treads from some of the NBA stars!
6 Boxes Per Case, 1 Pack Per Box, 6 Cards Per Pack