Look for (1) Autograph Card, (4) Game-Used Memorabilia Cards, and (5) Rookie Cards per box on average!!
Find (1) Ultra Rookie or Lucky 13 Rookie Parallel Card per box!!
Key Rookie: Brady Quinn, Marshawn Lynch, Adrian Peterson, Dwayne Jarrett, and Calvin Johnson!
5 Packs per box, 15 Cards per pack
Try for rookies cards of ADRIAN PETERSON !!!
Autograph Cards
* Autographics - Serial Numbered
* Signature Class - Serial Numbered
* Signature Class Duals - Serial Numbered
* Signature Class Triples - Serial Numbered
* Gridiron Legends Autographs - Serial Numbered
* Ultra Rookies Auto Parallel
- Serial Numbered
* Lucky 13 Auto Parallel - Serial Numbered
Memorabilia, Insert Cards and Parallels
* Gridiron Legends
* Paydirt
* Ultra Stars
* Field Generals
* Feel the Game
* Gridiron Legends Memorabilia
* Paydirt Memorabilia
* Ultra Stars Memorabilia
* Field Generals Memorabilia
* Feel the Game Memorabilia
* Ultra Rookies Parallel
* Lucky 13 Parallel
* Regular Card Parallel
* Ultra Dual Materials - Serial Numbered
* Ultra Dual Materials Parallel - Serial Numbered
* Ultra Dual Materials Patch Parallel - Serial Numbered
Regular Cards and Rookies
* 200 Regular Cards
* Ultra Rookies
* Lucky 13 Rookies