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1989 Upper Deck "The First" Limited Edition Commemorative Sheet with Griffey Jr Rookie! (Lot of 20)

1989 Upper Deck "The First" Limited Edition Commemorative Sheet with Griffey Jr Rookie! (Lot of 20)

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  • 1989 Upper Deck "The First" Limited Edition Commemorative Sheet with Griffey Jr Rookie! (Lot of 20)

    This sheet is the first sheet made in Upper Decks long line of Commemorative Sheets. This was released at the National Candy Wholesalers Exposition in Washington D.C. on July 27th-29th 1989. Pictured on the sheet is Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie, Mark McGwire, Todd Zeile, Junior Felix, Barry Larkin and Todd Benzinger. They made 12,000 of these sheets and it represents the start of Upper Deck Baseball!

    20 Sheets Per Lot

    Product Highlights

    • Ken Griffey Jr!
    • Lot of 20
    • Manufacturer: Upper Deck
    • Product:
    • Series:
    • Release Date: January 1st, 1989

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