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Inspect the overall condition of each pack, ensuring the seals are intact, no presence of suspicious wear on the corners and folds of the wrapper.
Count the number of Jordan stickers on the back of the packs.
The sticker card is always back side up at the sealed end of the pack, and can be identified through the translucent wax paper.
We look to find three to four Jordan stickers, which is consistent with a clean and unshuffled box.
Every wax box has at least three stickers of each player (11 players in all), and a fourth sticker for three of the players.
Identify the specific cards on the top of the pack through the translucent wax paper.
Possessing the proprietary information regarding the sequencing of cards within a pack/box, we can verify all the cards that should be present in a box are there.
The 1986/87 Fleer basketball set has only 132 cards, so a full box makes three complete sets, with a few cards left over to start a fourth.
We have specialized in 1986/87 Fleer basketball products throughout our company history.
Our team of experts has handled tens of thousands of singles, hundreds of sets, dozens of wax boxes, a couple of sealed cases, and even an uncut sheet.
You can feel confident knowing the finest staff possible has reviewed and inspected this box and given it our stamp of approval.
Opportunities to pick up the holy grail of modern era wax boxes are becoming few and far between.
This is a perfect opportunity to add the cornerstone piece to any basketball or wax box collection!
Key Rookies: Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, Clyde Drexler, Hakeem Olajuwon, Patrick Ewing, Dominique Wilkins, Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, James Worthy, Chris Mullin
36 packs per box; 12 cards, one sticker, and a stick of gum per pack