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2005 Leaf Certified Materials Baseball Hobby Box (Reed Buy)
  • 2005 Leaf Certified Materials Baseball Hobby Box (Reed Buy)

2005 Leaf Certified Materials Baseball Hobby Box (Reed Buy)

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Product Highlights

  • 10 Packs Per Box
  • 5 Cards Per Pack
  • 4 Game-Used Relci or Autograph Cards Per Box!!!
  • Look For Justin Verlander Rookie Autos
  • Look For Cut Autographs!!!
  • More Details...
Item Description
Item Details
  • 2005 Leaf Certified Materials Baseball Hobby Box (Reed Buy)

    What is a “Reed Buy”?

    Reed Kasaoka is the head buyer of the Sports Division at Dave & Adam's. His primary responsibility is traveling all over the country, buying private collections out of people’s closets, bedrooms, attics, basements, garages, and storage units, as well as complete inventories of show dealers, shop owners, autograph dealers, and distributors. Reed comes up with some amazing finds – rarely seen unopened boxes, quality graded cards, certified autographed memorabilia, and much more.

    We have tagged all of his acquisitions as a Reed Buy so you’ll know where to look first for all of his deals. Almost every item is “one-of-a-kind” – so when you see something interesting, don’t hesitate, because there are likely many other collectors who are thinking the exact same thing!

    Look for (4) Game-Used or Autograph Cards per box on average. Find 1 Parallel per box. Key insert sets include Certified Cuts (New for '05), Fabric of the Game, Fabric of the Game Combos, Biography and Mirror Blacks.

    Key Rookies: Justin Verlander, Jeff Niemann, Luke Scott, Nate McLouth.



    Featuring Key Players such as: H. Aaron, W. Mays, S. Koufax, N. Ryan, B. Ruth, D. Mattingly, J. Thorpe, T. Williams, R. Maris, R. Clemente, R. Sandberg, C. Ripken, S. Musial, D. Snider, G. Brett & M. Schmidt.



    // = PARALLEL

    200 Commons and 50 New Generation; featuring rookies and an autograph; serial #'d to 499 or less!

    Mirror White 1:7 - // to the base
    Mirror Red - // ser #'d to 100
    Mirror Blue - // ser #'d to 50
    Mirror Gold - // ser #'d to 25
    Mirror Emerald - // ser #'d to 5
    Mirror Black - // ser#'d to 1
    Mirror White Signatures - // w/ an autograph; ser #'d to 50 or less
    Mirror Red Signatures - // w/ an auto; ser #'d to 250or less
    Mirror Blue Signatures - // w/ an auto; ser #'d to 100 or less
    Mirror Gold Signatures - // w/ an auto; ser #'d to 25 or less
    ~;~Mirror Emerald Signatures - // w/ an auto; ser #'d to 5 or less
    Mirror Black Signatures - //w/ an auto; ser #'d to 1
    Mirror White Materials -Bats - // w/ a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 250 or less
    Mirror Red Materials -Bats - // w/ a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 250 or less
    Mirror Blue Materials -Bats- // w/ a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 100or less
    Mirror Gold Materials -Bats - // w/a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 25 or less
    Mirror Emerald Materials -Bats - // w/ a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 5 or less
    Mirror Black Materials -Bats - // w/ a swatch of game-used bat; ser #'d to 1
    Mirror White Materials -Jerseys - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey; ser #'d to 250 or less
    Mirror Red Materials -Jerseys - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey; ser #'dto 250 or less
    Mirror Blue Materials -Jerseys - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey; ser #'d to 100or less
    Mirror Gold Materials -Jerseys - //w/ a swatch of g/w jersey; ser #'d to 25 or less
    Mirror Emerald Materials -Jerseys - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 5 or less
    Mirror Black Materials -Jerseys - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 1
    MirrorBlack Materials -Jersey # 's - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey, die-cut to jersey #; ser #'d to 1
    Mirror Black Materials -Jersey Position - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey, die-cut to jersey position; ser #'d to 1
    Mirror Black Materials -Jersey HR - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey, die-cut to HR; ser #'d to 1
    Mirror BlackMaterials -Jersey Prime - // w/ a prime swatch ofg/w jersey. Ser #'d to 1
    Mirror Black Materials -MLB Logo - // w/ a super-prime swatch of g/wjersey. Ser #'d to 1

    Certified Skills(25) 1:7 - Insert w/ the league's most skilledplayers
    Certified Skills Mirror 1:65 - // to Certified Skills
    Certified Skills Signatures - // w/ an auto; ser #'d to 5 or less
    Certified Skills Materials -Positions - // w/ 1 swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 250 or less
    Certified Skills Prime Materials -Positions - // w/ 1prime swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 25 or less~;~

    Gold Team (25) 1:7 - Insert w/ theleague's all-star players
    Gold Team Mirror 1:65 - // to Gold Team
    Gold Team Signatures -// w/ an auto; ser #'d to 5 or less
    Gold Team Materials -Jersey #'s - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey die-cut to the jersey number. Ser #'d to 250or less
    Gold Team Prime Materials -Jersey #'s - // w/ a prime g/w jersey swatch, die-cut to the jersey #. Ser #'d to 25 or less

    Fabric of the Game -Positions - // w/ a swatch ofg/w jersey. Ser #'d to 100 or less
    Fabric ofthe Game -Positions Signatures - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey and an auto; ser #'d to 1
    Fabric of the Game -Jersey #'s - // w/ a swatch of g/wjersey, die-cut to jersey #; ser #'d to 75 or less
    Fabric of the Game -Jersey #'s Signatures -// w/ a swatch of g/w jersey, die-cut to jersey #and an auto; ser #'d to 1
    Fabric of the Game -Rewards - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey, w/ a trophy die-cut; ser #'d to 50 or less
    Fabric of the Game -Rewards Signatures - // w/ a swatch ofg/w jersey w/ a trophy die-cut and an auto; ser #'d to 1
    Fabric of the Game -Stats - // w/ aswatch of g/w jersey, die-cut HR or W; ser #'d to75 or less
    Fabric of the Game -Stats Signatures - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey, die-cut HR orW, and an auto; ser #'d to 1

    Fabric ofthe Game Combos -Base (20) - // w/ 2 players and 2 swatches of g/w jersey; ser #'d to 100 or less
    Fabric of the Game Combos -Base Prime - //w/ 2 prime swatches of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 5 or less
    Fabric of the Game Combos -Positions- // w/ 2 swatches of g/w jersey with 2 position die-cuts; ser #'d to 100 or less
    Fabric of the Game Combos -Jersey #'s - // w/ 2 swatches of g/w jersey with 2 jersey die-cuts; ser #'d to 75 orless
    Fabric of the Game Combos -Rewards - //w/ 2 swatches of g/w jersey with die-cuts; ser #'d to 50 or less
    Fabric of the Game Combos -Stats - // w/ 2 swatches of g/w jersey with HR or Wdie-cuts; ser #'d to 75 or less
    Fabric of the Game -Base (160) - Insert w/ a swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 100 or less
    Fabric of the Game -Base Signatures - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey and an auto; ser #'d to 1
    Fabric of the Game -Base Prime - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey. Ser #'d to 25 or less
    Fabric of the Game-Base Prime Signatures - // w/ a prime swatch of g/w jersey and an auto; ser #'d to 1

    Certified Cuts -Blue (20) insert w/ Hobby Stars and an auto; ser #'d to 50 or less
    CertifiedCuts -Green - // w/ an auto. Ser #'d to 50 or less
    Certified Cuts -Red - // w/ an auto. Ser #'d to 50 or less
    Certified Cuts -Blue Materials - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey and an auto; ser#'d to 44 or less
    Certified Cuts -Green Materials - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey and an auto;ser #'d to 32 or less
    Certified Cuts -Red Materials - // w/ a swatch of g/w jersey and an auto; ser #'d to 32 or less

    Biography (100) 1:40 - Hot new cross-brand insert w/ legendsof record!
    Biographys - // w/ a swatch ofg/w jersey
    Auto-Biography - // w/ an auto

    10 packs per box, 5 cards per pack

    Product Highlights

    • 10 Packs Per Box
    • 5 Cards Per Pack
    • 4 Game-Used Relci or Autograph Cards Per Box!!!
    • Look For Justin Verlander Rookie Autos
    • Look For Cut Autographs!!!
    • Manufacturer: Leaf
    • Product: Certified Materials
    • Series:
    • UPC/Barcode: N/A
    • Release Date: January 1st, 2005

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