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Reed Kasaoka is the head buyer of the Sports Division at Dave & Adam's. His primary responsibility is traveling all over the country, buying private collections out of people’s closets, bedrooms, attics, basements, garages, and storage units, as well as complete inventories of show dealers, shop owners, autograph dealers, and distributors. Reed comes up with some amazing finds – rarely seen unopened boxes, quality graded cards, certified autographed memorabilia, and much more.
We have tagged all of his acquisitions as a Reed Buy so you’ll know where to look first for all of his deals. Almost every item is “one-of-a-kind” – so when you see something interesting, don’t hesitate, because there are likely many other collectors who are thinking the exact same thing!
Look for (8) Game-Used or Autograph Cards and (16) Parallels per box on average!!
Key Rookies: Brandon McCarthy, Justin Verlander, Prince Fielder, Tadahito Iguchi, Jeff Niemann.
Box Break of the Week
Scott Shields Autograph Card
Joe Carter Bat Card
Mark Prior Jersey Card
John Smoltz Jersey Card
Josh Beckett Bat Card
Carlos Delgado Bat Card
Roberto Alomar Jersey Card
Mike Gosling Autograph
Ryne Sandberg Base Set Parallel #12/25
Tommy Lasorda Base Set Parallel #4/5
Jeff Bagwell 1 of 1 Printing Press Plate
Common Cards
Base set features 450 cards highlighted with gold foil featuring parallels
Impressions (450) 1:3 packs
Base parallel highlighted with holographicsilver foil
Red Impressions
Base parallel highlighted with holographic red foil and serial #'d to 250
Blue Impressions
Base parallel highlighted with holographic blue foil andserial #'d to 100
Gold Impressions
Base parallel highlighted with holographic gold foiland serial #'d to 50
Green Impressions
~;~Base parallel highlighted with holographic greenfoil and serial #'d to 25
lack Impressions
Base parallel highlighted with holographic black foil and serial #'d to 5
Press Plates
Base parallel serial #'d to 1
Impressions Autographs 1:70 packs
Base parallel w/ 1autograph highlighted with holographic silver foil
Impressions Bats1:8 packs
Base parallel w/ 1 bat swatch
Impressions Materials1:10 packs
Base parallel w/ 1 jersey swatch
Impressions Prime Materials
Base parallel w/ 1 prime jersey swatch and serial #'d to 250 or less
Impressions Baseballs
Base parallel w/ 1 baseball swatch and serial #'d to 100 orless
Impressions Bases 1:19 packs
Base parallel w/ 1 swatch from the base
Impressions Batting Glove
Base parallel w/ 1 swatchfrom the battling glove and serial #'d to 250 orless
Impressions Fielding Glove
Base parallel w/ 1 swatch from the fielding glove and serial #'d to 250 or less
Impressions Hat
~;~Base parallel w/ 1 swatch from the cap/hat and serial #'d to 250 or less
Impressions Shoes
Base parallel w/ 1 swatch from the shoe and serial #'d to 250 or less
Impressions Combos
Base parallel w/ two multiple swatch types highlighted with holographic silver foil and serial#'d to 150 or less
Impressions Prime Combos
Base parallel w/ two prime multiple swatchtypes highlighted with holographic silver foil and serial #'d to 50 or less
Impressions Buttons
Base parallel w/ 1 custom super prime swatch of a button on a piece of the player's jersey.Serial #'d to 17 or less
Impressions MLB Logos
Base parallel w/ 1 custom super prime swatch of the MLB logo taken from the player's jersey. Serial #'d to 7 or less
24 packs per box, 8 cards per pack