Every box contains ONE (1) PSA, BGS or SGC Graded Mickey Mantle Graded Baseball Card From 1951 to 1969.
We use only the most credible manufacturers and grading companies when it comes to our products.
It is our goal to bring you the highest quality cards and most recognizable names worthy of only Hit Parade Products!
2025 Hit Parade Baseball Graded Mantle Edition Series 1 is headlined by:
-1953 Topps #82 Mickey Mantle PSA 5
-1962 Topps #200 Mickey Mantle PSA 7
-1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle PSA 7
Ceiling: $7600
The Market Value Average for each card is determined at the date of packing (2/10/2025) by a team of sports card industry experts at Hit Parade using various data points including but not limited to: eBay, Card Ladder, 130point, Alt, PWCC, Goldin, Card Shows, and more!
About Hit Parade:
Voted Best Repack Brand of the Year three years in a row at Beckett's Industry Summit, Hit Parade boxes are packed with the hottest hits in the hobby! Our dedicated team of 30+ employees travels the country to buy inventory and manufacture sealed Sports Card, Memorabilia, Gaming, Entertainment, and Comic mystery boxes. Each series is limited in number, ensuring there's always a chance at pulling BIG hits!