Topps produced each Garbage Pail Kids series as a natural group of 88 cards, 44 each of the "a" and "b" variety.
For the 4th series, there were 42 of each number printed but cards 132a&b and 161a&b underwent double print runs.
In mid-production, several of the cards were withdrawn because of objections from the people or product being parodied.
"Woody Alan" was replaced by "Oak Kay"; "Reese Pieces" by "Puzzled Paul"; "Crystal Gale" by "Ig Lou"; and "Salvatore Dolly" by "Battered Brad."
Also revised were checklists 125a and 138a&b.
Thus, a complete variation set includes 84 "planned" cards and 7 "abnormal" cards, or 91 cards. Configuration: 48 Packs Per Box, 5 stickers and one stick of gum per pack
Card Numbers: 125-166
BBCE - Box has been authenticated by Baseball Card Exchange.
This is the Purple Cloud pack variant with a price.