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What is the title of the song where BTS dances barefoot?
Who was the last person to join BTS?
What Guinness world record does BTS hold?
Read the question and predict whether the player in the Hot Seat knows the answer
Use one of the 50 picture cards to answer each question
Enjoy great BTS memories while you play!
Look for different Rarity Band Cards!
- Gold Rarity - 35% of boxes
- Diamond Rarity - 15% of boxes
- Platinum Rarity - 1% of boxes
- Embossed Platinum - .002% of boxes
- [215] Question Cards
- [14] YES Cards
- [14] NO Cards
- [7] 100% YES Cards
- [7] 100% NO Cards
- [7] MAYBE Cards
- [1] Instructions Manual
- [1] Random Bonus 100% YES Card