Topps announced a creative new contest that starts today (September 19) and runs through this weekend to promote their 2014 Topps Fire Football set.
Just go to your local hobby store, including Dave & Adam’s four Buffalo-area stores, and take a creative picture of you preordering 2014 Topps Fire Football. Post the picture on Topps Twitter or Facebook pages with the correct hashtag and you’ll be entered in the contest. Here is the complete details from Topps:
Topps is proud to announce that this Friday, September 19th is officially Topps Fire™ Friday!
What does this mean? This means, collectors around the county will have a chance to win a case of Topps Fire™ Football trading cards when it hits stores in January. Here is how you can join in on the fun…
Starting this Friday, September 19th and running all weekend long through September 21st, to enter for a chance to win, collectors can walk into their local hobby shop and ask that the store order Topps Fire™ Football.
Next, take a picture of you in the hobby store “asking for Topps Fire” in a creative way such as holding up a sign that says “I want Topps Fire” with the store manager. Once you take the picture, tweet it out using both the hashtag, #ToppsFireFriday &, our Twitter handle, @Toppscards OR post the picture to our Facebook page at using the the hashtag, #ToppsFireFriday .
The entrant who submits the most creative photo will win! The winner will be announced on Tuesday September 23rd on Topps’ Twitter and Facebook accounts.  The lucky winner will receive a CASE of Topps Fire Football upon release of the product in January 2015!
Good Luck and get out there and demand your Topps Fire™ Football! See complete official rules at
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