Our inbox has been filling up with messages from customers excited about their big hits. In an effort to clean it out here are some of our favorite ones for this edition of #DACWPulls.
Bill pulled a Tre Mason Pulsar rookie autograph from 2014 Topps Chrome Mini Football. It is numbered 2 of 15.
Mike scored a Mike Trout 1/1 auto from 2012 Panini Prime Cuts Baseball from a 5-box case.
Marc was excited to pull this “amazing” 1/1 cut auto of Charlie Conacher from 2012-13 Panini Classic Signatures Hockey.
Jason pulled some nice rookie autos 2014 Topps Chrome Mini Football and had a funny story to go with it.
Ok – so, this just happened in those two little boxes of 2014 Topps Chrome Mini’s that I just received today. I think I woke the neighbors. First pulled the Bortles, and when I thought the other auto must have been terrible, Odell came out. Bortles is 3/10, Beckham is 5/10.
There are no words – you guys are the best.
Hopefully the neighbors weren’t too upset Jason. Nice hits.
Our last batch of hits come from Marc M., who scored with some autographed baseball products. One of the items he purchased was our brand new Hit Parade Autographed Cut Edition, which comes with one cut autograph per pack for the low price of $29.95. You may also find a Tremendous Ten Redemption card, which could land you an authenticated cut auto of Babe Ruth.
Here’s Marc’s description of what he pulled:
After a few pretty crummy experiences with Baseball card boxes, I have shifted to more of an autograph collection (as evidenced by my heavy orders!) and I couldn’t be happier! Also, your new Hit Parade Cut Auto product is absolutely GREAT!Here are some of what I’ve pulled recently:
Historic Autographs Ball of Fame II
Reggie Jackson Inscribed “Mr. October” Pete Rose Inscribed “I’d walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball.” (SPECTACULAR!) Carlton Fisk 2012 Leaf Cut Signature
Hank Aaron Bob Feller 2014 Onyx Icons Signed Baseball
Billy Dee Williams (Lando!!!) Hit Parade Cut Auto
Enos Slaughter Hoyt Wilhelm Lloyd Waner (HUGE fan of him and his brother Paul!)Just wanted to share and say Thanks! I mean capturing Baseball History and snagging 7 HOF players (plus the Pete Rose…) has cemented my new collection direction…
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