Dave & Adam’s Card World will be set up at two events this weekend looking to buy your trading cards, comics and collectibles.
The NHL All-Star Game is this weekend in Columbus, OH, and as part of the festivities there will be an NHL Fan Fair at the Greater Columbus Convention Center throughout the weekend. Dave & Adam’s will be at the Fan Fair all weekend selling hockey cards plus buying hockey memorabilia, trading cards and more. We will be located next to the Upper Deck Trading Card Zone.
The Comic Division of the Dave & Adam’s Buying Team will be set up at the Wizard World Portalnd Comic Con. Our team will be in town beginning Friday, January 23th through Monday.
In addition to offering a large selection of comic books for sale we will be making cash offers on the spot for comic books and other collectibles. If you have comics that you are looking to sell or have a collection you would like to talk to us about, visit us at booth #333 or contact us in advance to set up an appointment. Our buyers can be reached by emailing [email protected], calling toll free at 1-888-440-9787 x100, or by filling out our sell comic books form here.
Our team of buyers is well equipped with the knowledge to able able to purchase almost any collectible. If you have any of the following items you are looking to sell don’t hesitate to contact us!
•   Sports Cards
•   Gaming Trading Cards
•   Non-Sport Cards
•   Vintage Toys
•   Autographs and Sports Memorabilia
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at Portland and Columbus!
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