Dave & Adam’s is hitting the road this weekend, in two different countries, looking to pay cash for your collectibles. Members of our buying team will be heading west of the border to the 48th annual Toronto Sportcard & Memorabilia Expo. (Yes, from our Buffalo, NY offices you have to travel west to get to Canada.) This show is huge for hockey collectors and we will be looking to buy hockey cards or any other collectibles you’re looking to sell. Dave & Adam’s will be at the Toronto Expo from Friday, November 7 through Sunday, November 9.
Our comic book buying team is headed south to Tulsa, Oklahoma for Wizard World Tulsa Comic Con. We will be there from Thursday, November 6 through Sunday.
If you are attending either show don’t forget that our team of buyers is well equipped with the knowledge to be able to purchase almost any collectible. If you have any of the following items you are looking to sell don’t hesitate to contact us!
•   Sports Cards
•   Gaming Trading Cards
•   Non-Sport Cards
•   Vintage Toys
•   Autographs and Sports Memorabilia
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