Comic Buying Team traveling to Rose City Comic Con this weekend!

Convention season is still in full swing and one of our comic buyers Eric Mowery is getting set to leave for Portland, Oregon and Rose City Comic Con! Let’s check in with Mr. Mowery and see how his preparations are going!

Hello, Comicdom. Iā€™m getting ready to head off to Portland for the Rose City Comic Con (stop by booth 628 and say HI!) and for a week of comic book buying, but I wanted to take a quick second to give a shout-out to my old friend, The Collector.

And, no. Iā€™m not referring to Benicio Del Toroā€™s character in the Marvel cinematic universe. Iā€™m referring to you. Yes, YOU! The Collector, the one who allows me to keep this job. When you come up to the booth that Iā€™m working at, buy something from me, and I tell you, ā€œThank youā€ I mean exactly that. My cool job does not exist without you.

Thereā€™s been a lot of buzz lately about the ever-expanding market and what it means for collectors. I hear it at almost every single show that I attend. ā€œWeā€™re all going to get priced out!ā€ And, honestly, itā€™s sometimes hard to argue with that sentiment. Certain books have been booming lately (Hulk 181, you know Iā€™m talking about you) and while I could write my dissertation about this market, 90s parallels, and Collector Vs Investor; I am not here to debate. I just want to offer up two, teensy-weensy pieces of adviceā€¦or insightā€¦or what-have-you.

Now is the time to buy up your old favorites and find new ones. Yes, I know. That FF 48 looks pretty appealing right now and if you can afford it, pick it up! But, if not, donā€™t get frustrated. There are millions of other books out there that just havenā€™t received their due yet. I love, love, love Will Eisner stories and his art is amazing, but his comics are still relatively affordable. Theyā€™re all undervalued. ALL. UNDERVALUED. So while everyone is going Superhero crazy, you can pick up books that fall outside of the current movie market for a really good price.

Most ā€œKeyā€ issues stories, are not that great. Characters are introduced by a two or three individuals working on one book, but they get constantly retooled by different creative teams. Deadpool started off as a villain who was just, well, a villain. It took Nicieza (after he co-created), Madureira, Waid, Churchill, Kelley, and McGuinness, among others, to make him the character that you all love so much today. Those arcs may not have the appeal of a true 1st appearance, but the stories are infinitely better.

Well, Iā€™m packed and on my way to Portland so stay tuned for all the cool finds I bring back, and, as always, make mine Maā€”uuhhhā€”ybe I need to think of a better sign off?

Best, Eric

Thanks Eric! Rose City Comic Con runs this Friday-Sunday, September 7th-9th. The show hours are as follows:

Friday – 1:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday – 10:00am – 7:00pm

Sunday – 10:00am – 5:00pm

If you want to set something up call Eric at the show 716-534-7452. Not going to RCCC this year? You can always email us at [email protected] / [email protected] and/or call us at 1-888-461-0640.

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