The Half Million Dollar Trading Card Case Buy of 2012

Our buyers are constantly receiving calls and emails from people looking to sell their cards. It ranges from those who call to sell their Shaq rookie cards or shoeboxes full of late 80’s baseball commons to people who have enormous amounts of unopened product. This month, we’ve been working on a deal with someone who falls into the latter category.

Back in November we received a call from a gentleman in Pennsylvania who informed us he’s been putting away cases for “quite some timeĆ¢ā‚¬Ā and had them all stored in a rented warehouse space. Right off the bat, this deal sounded big. Once we received the inventory list we realized we were wrong, the deal was huge. After some negotiation with the seller, Bob, Steve, and a few other employees made the trip to Pennsylvania from our Tonawanda, NY, location to get this deal packaged up and ready to go. The agreed upon price was just over a half million dollars!
Pennsylvania State Sign

Over the course of a couple days and a few Pennsylvania dinners, the crew finalized everything and prepared it for shipping up to the Dave and Adam’s warehouse.

The picture you see below is Bob and Steve in our warehouse with just some of theĀ  unopened case buy. It is literally thousands of unopened boxes and cases ranging from all years and sports (there’s even some non-sport)!

Trading Cards Case Deal

The seller was a pleasure to work with. He told us that he knew from the start we were the right buyer to handle this amount of inventory. We were glad to pay him over a half million dollars for all of the cases he’s been putting away over the years!

Deals like this allow us to add to our vast inventory and bring our customers the largest selection of unopened boxes and cases of trading cards. Over the next few weeks we’ll be adding tons of older boxes and cases from this purchase to our website.

Purchases like this just go to show us that you never know what’s out there. And as long as it’s out there, we’ll be looking to find it and buy it.

If you are interested in selling your cards, we’re always buying. Whether it’s unopened product or single cards, you can reach our Senior Buyer Bob Snyder via email [email protected] or call him toll free at 1-888-440-9787 x.100 You can also use our contact form.


One Response to The Half Million Dollar Trading Card Case Buy of 2012

  1. Sports Card Boxes January 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm #

    How far back do these go? How much is vintage?