Dave & Adam’s Video Game & Toy Buyers Headed to Cincinnati Comic Expo

Members of the Dave & Adam’s Buying Team are making their first trip to Cincinnati, Ohio to set up at the Cincinnati Comic Expo which is being held at the Duke Energy Convention Center from September 23rd through the 25th.

The Cincinnati area is most famous for being the former headquarters for Kenner Toys, which of course was responsible for such incredible toys lines as Star Wars, Six Million Dollar Man, Super Powers, Jurassic Park and M.A.S.K.


While in town for the show, our buyersĀ are looking to talk to any former Kenner employees about their experiences as well as looking to confidentially buy any prototypes, engineering samplesĀ or old stock that they might have acquired in their time there. Also if you are the friend or relative of a former Kenner employee we always like to remind people that we are paying finder’s fees to anyone that leads us to a purchase.

What are we buying? We are always looking for large or small collections of original Star Wars action figures, vehicles and playsets loose orĀ stillĀ in the originalĀ packages from 1977-1985.


We also are buying other collectible toy lines such as GI Joe, Transformers, Super Hero toys from Secret Wars, Super Powers, MEGO brands and much much more from the 1960’s through the present.

In addition, we are also buying vintage Video Games from popular brands such as Nintendo, Playstation, Atari and more!

If you have anything to sell or know of anyone that might, please feel free to contact us by emailingĀ [email protected] or by calling 888-440-9787 ext 141.

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