File this under the “Never Saw This Before” category.
I recently bought a vintage card collection that included several 1981 and 1982 Donruss Golf sets. Along with the cards was a small box that had been hand addressed to the person I bought the collection from. The return address on the box, which is about the size of a trading card, was from Donruss Co. PO Box 2038, Memphis, TN 38101.
I was more than intrigued by this box so I contacted the seller to see what he had to say. He told me that back in the early 1980’s he had sent a letter to Donruss and told them the card numbers that he was missing to complete more sets of their golf product. He eventually received a box in the mail containing all the cards he requested.
I’m not showing this box because of it’s extreme value but because after all the years that I have been involved in this great hobby and all the collections that I have looked at or purchased I can honestly say that I don’t come across very many things that are new to me…and this one is.
As far as I am concerned, this is one of my most memorable “finds”.
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