Our most recent Box Break is of 2008/09 Upper Deck Black Diamond Hockey. Watch our own “Box Break Brad” Lohr and Mike Schopp of “The Hobby” ripping into two boxes of Black Diamond Hockey.
You can win all the cards of this break for free. Here’s what you have to do to be entered: Leave a comment below on this blog post answering the following question: What is your favorite hockey card box of all time? It can be old or new, just tell us why.
On June 1st we will randomly select a winner who will receive all the cards from this box for free!

Thanks for watching!
*Contest Void where prohibited
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Hi Dacardworld.
My favorite box of all time is 07-08 Trilogy, i just think that product is awesome!!!
Hope i win!
/Jeppe, from sweden!
Hi Dacardworld.
My favorite box of all time is 07-08 Trilogy, i just think that product is awesome!!!
Forgot to tell why, in first comment,
i really like the plexi cards, i just love them!
Many hits, nice cards…. etc…
Hope i win!
/Jeppe, from sweden!
07/08 the cup is my fav.
That’s a tough one. I’d have to go with 08/09 Artifacts as there’s really nice pulls in every box, and even though it’s a bit more expensive you usually get your money’s worth with the memorabilia.
my favorite hockey box is 05-06 upper deck series 1 hockey. i like that product b/c of the great young guns that it had like Crosby and Ovechkin. Almost every pack had an insert, and you got 3 jerseys per box!
so ya….thats why i like it
(my youtube username is mikkokoivunut)
My favorite product is 2007-2008 UD Series 1 had so many good young guns.
My favorite is Luc Robitaille’s Topps RC – I have one in a nice display with a photo-puck and it looks freaking awesome. In fact it’s one of the few Hockey Cards that I have on display, since my beloved Kings stink on ice lately.
Favorite Box was 2005-06 The Cup Hockey. It had Sidney Crosby and Ovechkin RCs along with all the GOATs…
My favourite hockey card box would have to be 08-09 ITG Between the Pipes. The hits in this product are absolutely fantastic. I seen many boxes opened and the hits are always sick.
My favorite box of all time is 01-02 Topps Heritage. I loved the look of the cards and it’s actually a set that I ended up getting completely signed in person based on the look. With Datsyuk and Kovalchuk rookies it just was great. Thats along with the Stadium Club set from the same year just based on the photography are amazing.
My favourite box of cards is 07-08 Hot Prospects!! I love this product because you get a nice RC AU Patch /399 or /199 in every box andthe Rookie Class was very good last year!
Thanks and I hope I win!
My favourite box of all time was 07-08 Hot Prospects because you get a nice RC AU Patch /399 or /199 and a hit in almost every pack! Last year’s Rookie class was very good too!
Thanks and I hope I win!!
Hey this is an awesome site! You guys are so cool giving away free cards! By far my favorite card site! My favorite box is the 08-09 Sp Game used hockey edition. I love the letter patches u can get and the gold spectrum rookies. i was happy enough to come across a zach bogosion gold spectrum rookie 8/10. i won it in a free raffle at a crad shop! Overall, thx for givin these away and i hope i win!
My favorite product is ITG Between The Pipes. Absolutely love the past three years of the stuff. Great chances to get nice autos and GU of great goalies and a chance to see the up and coming crop of goalies, love it.
Thanks, Sarah
My favorite Hockey product has to be Trilogy, especially 07-08 — I love the look of the cards!
80/09 sp authentic
89/09 sp authentic
My favorite hockey card box is definitely 97/98 Zenith Hockey. Pinnacle’s “Dare to Tear” concept was way ahead of its time. Collectors of A&G and Topps Treasury know the feeling of tearing a card to find an even cooler card inside (it’s a gamble, sometimes it’s a common). I remember busting boxes of this stuff to make both sets (the 5×7 & the regular set). Eleven years later, it has lost a little bit of its luster… but it still contains both Lecavalier and Luongo’s key rookie cards.
favorite product is the up has the best patches and awsome looking cards
*******My favorite box is the 2005-06 The Cup because it has Alexander Ovechkins best rookie card and I love the way he plays the game.*******
My favorite Box is 2005-06 The Cup Hockey. It has Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin RCs! That product is just sick with great hits!
My favorite box is probobaly 08-09 artifacts. They have alot of greats hits 3 per box and 1 auto. You get an insert/jersey in every pack cant go wrong wiht that
My favorite box would Be ITG Between The Pipes 06-07, I am a HUGE Goalie collector and this product goes over and beyond my expectations, every box ive opened has been outstanding, It has a reasonable price per box which is also a great aspect!
I would have to say my favorite box is 05/06 The Cup. The cards are fabulous in that set. Real quality memorabilia stuff!!
I must say though my favorite brand is still Pacfic. The made so many awesome set throughout the years. Luxury Suite, Adrenaline, Calder, Heads Up etc..
Mike B.C. Canada
1995-96 Upper Deck Ice box
my favorite box I ever got was my first box ever: Upper Deck 05-06 series 2. I was 16 years old. I absolutely loved Alex Ovechkin even if I was (and still am) a big habs fan: the first box I ever bought with my own money was AWESOME : Alex Ovechkin 088/ 100 parallel. The man of the shop took an hour to convince me to sell it to him and he bought me it for 375$. And even more special, in the same box, a Ryan Getzlaf Rookie Ink that I still have in my possession. These two players are now my favorites and I collect them, even if Alexander The Great’s cards are very expensive. So Upper Deck series 2005-2006 are my favorite boxes because I never, in 5 boxes, got a card that was not worth below 40$, and got two cards in the first one that I will never forget. And by the way, what is ironic is that I saw MY Ovechkin card (the 088/ 100 parallel) again in one of my best friend’s collection! I was amazed by the coincidence!
Francois, Sherbrooke, Qc, Can
*two little errors: it was 375$ and the code was 088/100…
My opinion for the best box of all time would be………….. most definitley 05/06 UD series 2 retail. You would get 30 packs for a very decent price. And the best part was in every single box you hit a rookie (subset) of Crosby or Ovechkin. Never Disapointed! Always Happy! Wallet Happy!
Great break! My favorite was an early 2000’s Upper Deck (I forget exact year) where I pulled a Mike Bossy jersey card. He is one of my favorite Islanders.
My favourite box of hockey cards would have to be 2005/06 Upper Deck ICE. I always pull quality stuff out of those boxes. UD ICE is my favourite brand every year. I just love the plexi rookies and autos. Not to mention the level 1 rookies being some of the most sought after rookie cards of the year.
At the risk of really making myself feel old, I have great memories of busting the 90-91 upper deck. For me this was the good ole days. Looking forward to the weekend, my dad picking me up and taking me to the local hobby shop and leaving with a box of the UD to split with my little bro. We were always chasing the ever elusive rookie cards of Federov, Lindros or a card of the Great One. Who knew the 1st two would be such a bust? I know the cards of todays era have much more to offer as far a g/u and auto but the memories of a time when we were all trading at lunch time and it was a passion not a business is really what draws me to this product.
my faveorite box would have to be 05/06 upper deck series 2
ovechkin got me interested in hockey again and getting the young gun in my first box was a big thrill
I’ve always loved Be-A-Player. I got into hockey cards in the late 90s and I became a huge Avalanche fan. Although I never pulled a Roy, Sakic, or Forsberg auto, I’ve never given up on Be-A-Player and their numerous autos per box.
Score 95/96 because it was my first
my favorite hockey set is 06/07 spx. it had some good rookies and a nice design to the cards
90/91 upper deck was my fav…
My favorite box of all time is 07-08 Upper Deck Ice. Bough several box and always got amazig cards. Also the design is just incredible.
Love ICE product.
Hi DacardWorld,
My favorite box is 2007/08 Upper Deck NHL Rookie Class Hockey Hobby Set because it amazing rookie cards of current NHL’s like Pat Kane(Blackhawks), Tyler Kennedy(penguins), Niklas Backstrom (capitals),Jonathan Bernier(Kings),and Bryan Little (Thrashers).
My favorite box was the 1990/91 Upper Deck Hockey. It was the first set that I started collecting since I was a kid. Way overproduced but got me excited about the hobby again.
Any box from Pacific. They made some really nice looking Hockey cards. Hockey cards….baseball cards well, dont get me started
I would have to go with 08-09 Sp Game Used. The pulls are incredible. A little on the pricey side but totally worth the investment.
08-09 SP Game Used, there were some great pulls
08-09 upper deck champ and ice. it has some nice pulls and graphics
I am usually a guy who loves memrobillia cards but that was until I opened a box of 08/09 O-Pee-Chee hockey. This is by far my favourite set because of its fun. Theres an insert in every pack!. The design of the cards is also sweet especially the retro cards! That is why 08/09 O-Pee-Chee is my favorite box!
my favourite box is 08-09 black diamond hobby box because of all the hits you recive
I’m picking the 2002-2003 Upper Deck Set. We have a ‘shirt-tail’ cousin- Francois Beauchemin who plays for the Ducks and that’s his rookie card. He comes from Sorel and our family came from there and although my grandfather changed the spelling of our name, my boys, who play hockey still think it’s cool that they’ve got somebody in the NHL who they can consider being a relative (I think it’s pretty cool too).
06/07 SP Authentic Hockey, SP is always great, but this year had added value because of the insertion of the 05/06 stuff, like buying 2 boxes for the price of one.
07-08 upper deck series one- soooooo many good players
My favorite is 06/07 Flair showcase because it’s cheap and you get at least three hits one auto two jerseys
My favorite box was 07/08 upper Deck Series 2 only because i got a Mat Sundin printing plate
Heya Guys!
My fav hockey box of all time is an oldie but a goodie, 79-80 OPC. This is for two reasons- first, obviously, because it’s Gretzky’s RC year, but secondly, because it was the first year I really began collecting hockey cards.
I had grabbed a couple of packs of previous years, but 79-80 was the year I really dove in and tried for the set (I was a few cards short). So it remains my fav.
My favorite box would have to be 05/06 Upper Deck Ice because that year I had bought a box and so did a friend of mine. I pulled some nice stuff but my friend pulled the ovechkin rc /99! I was shocked and I’d never seen such a rare pull before. felt that the product definitely provided a lot of value in each box and each year i continue to buy a box or two of Upper Deck Ice.
My favourite box is UD ICE. I’ve had some really nice pulls out of that brand.
Any box of Upper Deck Sweet Shot the tins are great and they usually feature hits that stand out from the crowd. Thanks!
Last Year’s Legends Masterpieces
My new favorite box is 2008-2009 OPC lots of different
inserts, I am trying to collect the set with my son and he just loves the retro cards and rainbow cards. Almost finished with the set.
1991 Pro Set Platinum
05-06 the cup all the way
1990-91 Score
My favorite box is the UD 07/08 Series one which got me back into collecting after I quit in 92-93.
Not sure of the year, but it was a box of Pinnacle “Dare to Tear”. I still havn’t torn them.
I did like 2007-08 UD Ice as I was trying to chase all of the rookie premieres…after a dissapointing break to 2008-09 Ice, I changed to 2008-09 Black Diamond. Had never busted BD before and I absolutely love it. The price point is great for the product and I love collecting all the different levels of diamonds.
My favorite box is 08/09 Black Diamond. It’s got a great base design and u get several hits with the quad JSY’s, the Gemography’s, the Premier Cuts and the different levels of diamonds. perfect box break
07/08 the cup is my favorite
2000-01 upper deck. Gaborik, Heatley, Havlat and others. Just got me back into collecting after years of being out
85-86 Topps. There was nothing like pulling a Lemieux rookie card. There are sets from era with better overall rookie selection but that Lemieux rookie is a special card.
Legends Masterpieces 2008, I love the canvas style and has a great auto selection.
My favorite hockey box of al time is 97/98 Donruss Studio. First hockey product I ever broke, so I have a soft spot for it.
My favorite Hockey set was 85-86 Topps. The Lemieux rookie brings back some great memories.
79/80 O-Pee-Chee. Wayne Gretzky is my favorite hockey
07-08 ICE. Nice cards abd great inserts
Favorite box 05-06 Ultimate Hockey, Lucky enough to pull Two Crosby Rookies
07-08 Upper Deck
My favourite Hockey Card box of all time has to be 08-09 Artifacts just cause it’s not too pricey but it’s still a very nice product!!
i will go for 08-09 UD Ice , this product have contonued its tradition with having the toughest rc /99 to pull out of each year. And with each year the product is released the product design continues to evolve and becoming a class act. for its price tag , its a product for the masses with a classy appeal of high end touch for the big hits.
Unusual, but my favorite product is the 2001-2002 topps heritage hockey. Not a really high end product, but it was the first pack of hockey cards i ever remember getting. This card set introduced me to the sport of hockey, and without them i don’t think i would have ever been as big of a hockey fan as i am. Go Bruins!
Topps 1979. Loved getting the Gretzky RC!
my favorite is the 84-85 OPC when rookie cards were important
I would say upperdeck 1990 91 hockey cards lots of rookie cards, good chance of completing a set.
96-97 SPX. The holograms were sort of a new take.
08-09 SP Authentic, I love the Auto Future Watch inserts.
I have always liked the UD ice or UD SP
my favorite box of hockey cards is 2005-2006 spx. the rookies in it are great and the cards have alot of value.
my favorite hockey card box would have to be 1971-1972 o-pee-chee reason y is thats when i first got into collecting with my grand dad and he told me the ins and outs of collecting and the fundenmentals of hockey and ever since then i became a player a collector and a teacher to my youngest son..who he and i never miss a game either on tv or in the streets in a street game thats the greatest sport of all canadian tim thanx
My favourite hockeycard box is 08/09 Black Diamond ! I like cards what I get from that box, Crosby’s patch 03/10 and others. 🙂 Cards are very nicely BUT I get Valtteri Filppula’s card and there were goalie stats ? :O
That video what I saw was very nice and there were nice cards and I just love them, but have a nice summer and find new cards !
P.S I watch this video from youtube earlier today. 🙂
My favorite Box of all time would have to most definately Black Diamond. I love the base cards looks! I try to buy atleast 1 box every year!!
Any Black Diamond is good with me…we’ll say 08-09 since I pulled a Mason and a Ruby Mason in the same box!
I like the cup a lot because it mixes new a old and some sick patches and autos
i like the cup because it has nice autos and patches
fav cards are low numbered
but i collect everything
have many old cards hockey, jersys, pics all signed stuff
og collector
My favorite product is 1999/2000 Upper Deck Powerdeck. I’ve never opened a whole box of it, but I went to a card shop in a city I was visiting on vacation and pulled a 500 Goal Club Dino Ciccarelli insert signed and numbered out of 25 out of the only pack I bought. It was one of my most prized possessions when I was younger and I recently just sold it to fund my collecting hockey cards again.
08-09 the cup. love the honorable numbers cards
Trilogy 07-08 i had great pulls
05/06 ultimate collection and the 05/06 trilogy. awesome pulls.Vanek rookie swatch auto.
my favourite is any upper deck classic portraits with hockey busts
My all time favorite is 2005, Between The Pipes.
Hi my fav is 1991-92 upper deck. I loved opening the packs in search of Teemu Selanne RC.
Hi my fav is 1991-92 upper deck. I loved opening the packs in search of Teemu Selanne RC.
my favorite boxes are the ones that i can open with friends and share my awsome pulls
2009-10 upper deck my 2nd favourite kind is 2008-09 black diamond
My favorite box is the new 11-12 Rookie Anthology, because its packed with nice hits!
11-12 Hockey artifacts because i get good ones that look cool
Artifacts 12-13 I pulled getzlaf team canada patch and gretzky lindros jagr triple jersey jagr 2 color and rookie auto redemption roman numeral 18