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Pokemon Neo Revelations 1st Edition Complete Set - All Holos PSA Graded w/ 13 9's!
All the non holographic cards from the set are also included, and in MINT condition as well! All the
1/64AmpharosRare Holo9
2/64BlisseyRare Holo9
3/64CelebiRare Holo9
4/64CrobatRare Holo9
5/64DelibirdRare Holo9
6/64EnteiRare Holo9
7/64Ho-OhRare Holo8.5
8/64HoundoomRare Holo9
9/64JumpluffRare Holo9
10/64MagnetonRare Holo9
11/64MisdreavusRare Holo9
12/64Porygon2Rare Holo9
13/64RaikouRare Holo8.5
14/64SuicuneRare Holo8
65/64Shining GyaradosSuperRare Holo9
66/64Shining MagikarpSuperRare Holo9