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Pokemon Base Set 1 1st Edition Non-Holo Complete Set 17/102-102/102 - ALL PSA GRADED - AVERAGE GRADE 8.97!
Set Contents
Card | Rarity | Grade |
Beedrill | Rare | 8.00 |
Dragonair | Rare | 9.00 |
Dugtrio | Rare | 9.00 |
Electabuzz | Rare | 9.00 |
Electrode | Rare | 9.00 |
Pidgeotto | Rare | 9.00 |
Arcanine | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Charmeleon | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Dewgong | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Dratini | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Farfetch'd | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Growlithe | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Haunter | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Ivysaur | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Jynx | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Kadabra | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Kakuna | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Machoke | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Magikarp | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Magmar | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Nidorino | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Poliwhirl | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Porygon | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Raticate | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Seel | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Wartortle | Uncommon | 8.00 |
Abra | Common | 9.00 |
Bulbasaur | Common | 9.00 |
Caterpie | Common | 9.00 |
Charmander | Common | 9.00 |
Diglett | Common | 9.00 |
Doduo | Common | 9.00 |
Drowzee | Common | 9.00 |
Gastly | Common | 9.00 |
Koffing | Common | 9.00 |
Machop | Common | 9.00 |
Magnemite | Common | 9.00 |
Metapod | Common | 9.00 |
Nidoran | Common | 9.00 |
Onix | Common | 9.00 |
Pidgey | Common | 9.00 |
Pikachu | Common | 9.00 |
Poliwag | Common | 9.00 |
Ponyta | Common | 9.00 |
Rattata | Common | 9.00 |
Sandshrew | Common | 9.00 |
Squirtle | Common | 9.00 |
Starmie | Common | 9.00 |
Staryu | Common | 9.00 |
Tangela | Common | 9.00 |
Voltorb | Common | 9.00 |
Vulpix | Common | 9.00 |
Weedle | Common | 9.00 |
Clefairy Doll | Rare | 9.00 |
Computer Search | Rare | 9.00 |
Devolution Spray | Rare | 9.00 |
Imposter Professor Oak | Rare | 9.00 |
Item Finder | Rare | 9.00 |
Lass | Rare | 9.00 |
Pokemon Breeder | Rare | 9.00 |
Pokemon Trader | Rare | 9.00 |
Scoop Up | Rare | 9.00 |
Super Energy Removal | Rare | 9.00 |
Defender | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Energy Retrieval | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Full Heal | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Maintenance | Uncommon | 9.00 |
PlusPower | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Pokemon Center | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Pokemon Flute | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Pokedex | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Professor Oak | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Revive | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Super Potion | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Bill | Common | 9.00 |
Energy Removal | Common | 9.00 |
Gust of Wind | Common | 9.00 |
Potion | Common | 9.00 |
Switch | Common | 9.00 |
Double Colorless Energy | Uncommon | 9.00 |
Fighting Energy | 9.00 | |
Fire Energy | 9.00 | |
Grass Energy | 9.00 | |
Lightning Energy | 9.00 | |
Psychic Energy | 8.50 | |
Water Energy | 9.00 |