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Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider and gains the abilites of a spider. When he fails to stop a burglar who runs past him his uncle his killed as a result. He therefore swears never to shirk his responsibility again.
More Details...Amazing Fantasy #15 Fair (FR) Detailed Description - Front Cover - Significant writing on cover with marker, including on main character, title, price bubble, issue number and information box. Cover is detached, and has Marvel foxing, folds, tears and spine wear. There is also some staining along the top right corner Interior pages - Book is complete. Pages 4, 5, 9 and 21 have small amounts of marker/graffitti, some of which bleeds through to the previous or next page. Back Cover - Back inside cover has writing on the ad.
Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider and gains the abilites of a spider. When he fails to stop a burglar who runs past him his uncle his killed as a result. He therefore swears never to shirk his responsibility again.